Welcome to our World Stamp Show-NY 2016 Wrapup Issues |
![]() U.S. International Stamp Shows have been held in the following cities since 1913:
Starting in our August 14, 2015 Issue we have presented news of the 11th U.S. International Stamp Show, held May 28-June 4, 2016, along with a historic look back at the previous 10 U.S. Internationals. Through our two predecessor publications, Mekeel's Weekly and STAMPS Magazine, which we merged together in 1995, Stamp News Publishing is in the unique position of having covered every U.S. International on the scene at the time they were held, and we were pleased to reproduce some of that coverage in ten Special Editions leading up to the 2016 U.S. International. What you will find in this two-part presentation is a compilation of the material from those 10 Special Editions, including WSS-NY news updates. • Part One is coverage of the 10 U.S. Internationals [PDF Document] from the first in 1913 to the 10th in 2006. (Document may take a moment to load.) • Part Two is the coverage leading up to World Stamp Show-NY 2016 [PDF Document] , including the many stamps issued by the United States Postal Service at the show. (Document may take a moment to load.) Both parts include the advertising messages of many of the World Stamp Show-NY participants. The support of these dealers enabled us to create these Special Editions—including these summary editions. In most cases, even after the 2016 show is history, they will still be able to service your buying and selling needs, so we encourage you to contact them now and in the future. (Note that selling prices and terms may change as we get further away from May 2016, but the excellent service and value you will receive from them will remain the same.) Note that, as these pages are being brought in from different editions, the dates on the pages in this compilation will be the dates of the issue in which the material first appeared. The pages, however, will be in consecutive order to enable you to follow the cross-references between pages. Finally, what you will find here also is an example of the coverage you can enjoy in each issue of Mekeel's & STAMPS Magazine. In addition to current news and commentary we also present the articles of lasting value from the great experts and writers of the past, including Stanley Ashbrook, the Baker Brothers, Herman Herst, Jr., George Sloane and dozens more. To subscribe to Mekeel's & STAMPS print or Online editions, phone 603-424-7556, email subs@stampnewsnow.com, or click for an Order Form. Thank you!
Stamp News Now . 42 Sentry Way . Merrimack, NH 03054 . Call Free: 603-424-7556 . Email: jd@stampnewsnow.com ©2024 Stamp News Now, All Rights Reserved |