New Collector? You came to the right place! We have the answers . . . all we need is your questions.
So please phone me, John Dunn, toll free at 603-424-7556 between 10 am and 6pm Monday through Friday. Not only will I try to answer your question, but I also will publish it here for everyone else.
Starting from this white space, let’s get started:
Q. On your sale lists and those of other companies, what are the numbers that precede each listing?
A. Those are the Scott catalogue numbers. With more than 100,000 stamps having been issued, including more than 5,000 U.S. postage stamps, collectors often refer to stamps by their catalogue number rather than the subject description. Unfortunately, you will need to have a catalogue or a price list that some firms offer that includes the Scott number and the description. (Many libraries have a set of Scott Catalogues in their reference section.)
We are in the process of changing our presentations, so you will find that many of the pages on our site that include stamps for newer collectors do have descriptions. It will take time, but where we can we will be adding descriptions to our lists.
Q. What are the letters (FVF, XF, etc.) in the stamp listings?
A. Those describe the relative centering of each stamp. As a minimum, many collectors will seek FVF (that is, Fine-Very Fine) centering. Lesser centering, that is Fine, also is acceptable to budget-minded collectors, and Avg (Average) is an option that may be used for older stamps that have high catalog values that may be out of reach or to stamps that are scarce in even Fine centered condition.
Having used FVF as their standard for many decades, with collectors becoming more condition conscious, the Scott cataloguers now use VF, that is, Very Fine, as the standard for most of their listings. Above that, XF (Extra or Extremely Fine) and even higher, Superb are sought by collectors who want nothing but the finest and are prepared to pay for it.
Q. How about those NH or LH references?
A. NH is Never Hinged; LH is lightly hinged, LH meaning that there is no remainder of a hinge that was previously used to mount the stamp. Add to that Unused, which may mean that the stamp has no gum or has gum that is not its original gum, that is, it is Regummed. NGAI means No Gum As Issued for the few stamps that were issued without any gum. Even here, there may be a difference between Unhinged (which might mean it was hinged at one time), and NH, which should mean that it shows no sign of ever having been hinged.
Q. How do these factors affect value?
A. As you might expect, every factor affects value, and considerably so. For example, a stamp with a $10 Scott Catalogue value might sell for $1 in Average condition, or $5 in FVF LH, sometimes NH, condition, while another in Superb NH condition could go for $1000. These are broad examples and a lot, particularly on the VF LH or lower end, depends on the particular issue or era from which it comes.
Do not assume that you have a better chance of making a profit at any given condition level when you are ready to resell your stamps. If you overpay for any given condition, you will be lucky if you find someone who also will overpay when you are ready to sell. On the other hand, if you were able to pay below market value, you have a better chance to sell at a profit at some point in the future.
However, all things being equal, scarce stamps in uncommonly good condition do have a better opportunity to at least maintain most of their value.
Still, with an increasing supply of stamps, most collectors will find that it is difficult to make a profit over what they paid, particularly as there are significant commissions and/or discounts that auction houses or dealers need to build into their pricing. So if you want to collect stamps, collect them for the pleasure you will receive, not for profit.
And when you do sell them, you will get a considerable percentage back, which is more than can be said for many leisure time activities.
With that, I invite you to review our current sale lists, described below, and to phone me toll free at 603-424-7556 for additional information or clarification.
John Dunn
PS For further information: Click for our Welcome Stamp Collectors page!
Before becoming a philatelic publisher decades ago, I was a full-time dealer in stamps. Today, buying and selling stamps is a side line.
I even have some of that old stock included in the lists you will find here, as well as material I have picked up over the past 30 years—and as
I work through a backlog of boxes or locate new material, I will offer those stamps here.
Prices are subject to change without notice. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express—and everything is fully guaranteed.
To place an order, click the appropriate link below for that price list. You can print out the price list, circle what you want, calculate the total and send payment with your order by mail. Or, if you prefer, you can click here for our Stamp Sales Order Form [PDF Format]. If you have any questions contact us at [email protected] or call us toll free on our business cell phone number at (603) 424-7556. Thank you.
Just click and browse below for the many stamps available to you at appealing prices! |
Collect The Farleys!
We have updated our Farley inventory and bring you some of the finest Farley stamps available. See the column to your right for this unique opportunity to collect these historic stamps.

Two samples of Farley stamps.
U.S. Sampler Sale!
Recent acquisitions—Mint and Used Singles, Mint Plate Blocks, the Unusual and Affordable, and just plain Fun.
Current U. S. Plate Blocks & Plate Strips Sale
We maintain an extensive stock of 1930s and later Plate Blocks. We also offer better earlier plate blocks as they come our way--and can work against want lists for what you do not find on these lists.
If we don't have it, we most likely can get it. Send us your want list, including condition requirements.
Collect The Farleys!
Today The Farleys are a popular collecting specialty, but when they were first discovered they were a source of considerable controversy as collectors discovered that a favored few had received Special Printings. Even after they were made generally available, some collectors felt they should not be listed in the Scott Catalogue.
But listed they were—and in the formats that their sale in full uncut sheets made possible. So, you can collect line or gutter pairs—vertical and horizontal—and cross gutter or center line blocks. There also are arrow blocks and plate blocks. And as sets and pieces can be added one issue or format at a time, this "neat collectibility" factor makes it exceptionally easy to build a complete collection. Add in the appeal of the designs and the subjects, and you can appreciate why The Farleys have become so popular with intermediate and advanced collectors.
Perhaps most important, another inherent value in building a Farleys Collection is that despite their scarcity, all of the varieties are still within the budget of most collectors. Even the rarest piece—the Center Line Block of the beautiful "Great Seal of the United States" Air Post Special Delivery, Scott 771, of which only 5,734 were printed is priced at just $42.50—as you will see in our "Collect The Farleys" Price List.
Used U. S. & Mint U. S.
This area has staged a comeback in the past decade by collectors who are operating on a budget, and increasingly as a growing respect for stamps that actually served the purpose for which they were issued. This also is a growth area for us and we are adding to our offerings as we acquire new material or work through stock accumulated over more than 50 years. We offer here mostly moderately priced stamps, from Classics and Bank Notes right on up to recent issues. This includes nice appearing stamps with faults, as described and priced to move.
As we continue to process an accumulation of mint U.S., this list consolidates—at reduced prices—our current holdings of mint singles, souvenir sheets and mint sheets. And, as always, we also welcome your want lists!
The House That Washington-Franklins Built!
From the House that the Washington-Franklins built! We've been studying and reporting on them in our U.S. Reference Manual*—and now we are buying & selling these challenging issues. Keep in mind that we are still adding to our inventory, so if you don't see what you need here, send us your want list.
*You may also want to click here to find out more about all of our U.S. Reference Manual pages.
U. S. Airs Sale
Beyond the classic look of the early airmails, this wonderful area continues to offer new and different issues. Reflecting the glamour of this new mode of moving the mails, airmail stamps traditionally were given special attention by the United States Post Office designers and the Bureau of Engraving & Printing. Here we offer those older stamps from our stock—now more than 90 years old—as well as most of the issues from the past 75 years.
Special Deliveries Stamp Sale
This collecting area has an avid following. Consisting of just 23 different Scott-listed stamps (Sc. E1-E23), the Special Deliveries reflect an era when the movement of the mail was still evolving. We offer here singles (mint or used) as well as plate blocks from our current stock. In addition, we have prepared a set of pages that provides background information, an identification guide and spaces for all 23 singles.
Scarce Taiwan Specimens Lot
This is a one-of-a-kind lot of Official Specimen stamps from Taiwan. Reduced to sell! |