At Queenstown, Ireland, a mountain of mailbags and trunks are ready for loading as passengers board Titanic
French Polynesia: Gauguin’s "Where Have We come From? What are We? Where are We Going", Sc. C212
Canada, stamp strip from the - Viewing the "Crossings" BNA Collection - Newfoundland, full imprintstrip of three of the 1887 10¢ black perf 12, Sc. 59, SCV $1,620 with double perforations running through the margin into the stamps.
Australia Post Stamp Issues
British Guiana 1-Cent Magenta, by John F. Dunn
Classic Australia Stamps
Viewing the Grahway Australian States by John F. Dunn
Australian Stamps Tell its History
Classic Canada Stamps
The Stamps of Canada, Chapters I - XV by B. W. H. Poole
Island Communities: Ireland and Celebrating St. Patrick's Day, by John F. Dunn
Isle of Man Stamp Issues
Mayweather Boxing Stamp? by John F. Dunn
Mekeel's & Stamps Magazine
A Blast From the Past by David Weststrate
The Olympic Games Issues of Greece by C. A. Howes
'Styling' the Royal Mail Way
Money Stamps of Latvia by Mannel Hahn
Philately and the Titanic, Then and Now by John F. Dunn
The "Journey of Ingenuity" Collection by John F. Dunn
Poland's Postal Service in Danzig by Edward Nowak, Sr.
South Pacific Island Stamp Issues Articles:
From Browsing the Web: Touring a Unified Italy by John F. Dunn
From the Stamp Specialist: Miscellany, Part 1 & 2 by George B. Sloane
United Nations Jazz Issue
Viewing Stamp Collections
World of Stamps Articles:
The Postage Stamps of the Far Eastern Republic by Seymour Gibrick
Island Communities: French Polynesia, Part I & 2 by Geir Sør-Reime
WOPA - European Countries Stamp Issues:
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Malta, Austria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Portugal,
Guernsey, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland