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If your print magazine has abandoned you, do not despair.
Founded in 1891 (Mekeel’s Weekly) and 1932 (STAMPS Magazine), now as Mekeel’s & STAMPS Magazine we continue to offer our subscribers a PRINT option that covers United States and worldwide subjects.
Founded in 1995, U.S. Stamp News covers U.S. exclusively, from the classics to modern varieties.
Our emphasis is on articles and commentary of lasting value, with original material as well as articles by the leading experts of their time, from the 1890s on up!
Every issue is printed in full color and mailed First Class in an outer envelope, with a variety of stamps affixed.
We also offer online editions of USSN, M&S and our online-only StampNewsOnline.
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What's New at StampNewsNow.com for March 2025
USPS 2025 Freshwater Fishing Lures Forever Stamps, 5 designs, release date is March 13.
Recent Updates to our Stamp Show, Stamp Auction,
FDC and USPS Calendars!
Stamp Shows Calendar Updated Mar 6, 2025
Stamp Auctions Calendar Updated Mar 6, 2025
First Day Covers Calendar Updated Mar 6, 2025
2025 USPS Current & Future Stamp Releases
2024 USPS Calendar (with access to stamp issues from 2010 - 2025) |
Get to Know the Farleys! Introductory Offer!

Introductory Offer!
Deadline September 30, 2023
Take 25% Off Our Exclusive
“Farleys and Their Forerunners” Pages
& the
“Collecting the Farleys” Display Pages
As U.S. Collectors seek fields they can complete, the Farleys are taking on increasing popularity.
Tracing back to the Presidency of avid collector Franklin D. Roosevelt, they were issued in full uncut sheets, making it possible to collect a variety of formats.
And, as sets and pieces can be added one issue or format at a time, it is exceptionally easy to gradually build a complete collection.
Add in the appeal of the designs and the subjects, and you can appreciate why The Farleys have become so popular with all levels
of collectors.
Enjoy these "Great Reading" Magazines!

Click here for more information!
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The Herman Herst Library — Add them to Your Library While You Can! |
The Great Reading "Get Acquainted" Deal! For EACH Herst Book you order, you will also enjoy your choice of a free 4-month subscription to Mekeel’s & Stamps Online Magazine or U.S. Stamp NewsOnline Magazine!
Most Out of Print, Limited Quantities Available!
Seven books by “the Ambassador of Philately, from the late “Pat” Herst’s most famous work, “Nassau Street” to the most recent, published by his son, takes us back to when stamp collecting emerged as the most popular hobby in the world—and continues today as one of the world’s most enduring hobbies.
Click here for a description of each of the 7 books and how to place your order! |
The U. S. Reference Manual! New! The U. S. Officials! |

A comprehensive study of the U.S. Official Issues. PLUS Pages on which you can mount your stamps, picturing Scott O1-O120 in Full Color!
- 27 FULL COLOR descriptive pages, covering
all the Officials including the Special Printings
- PLUS 15 pages picturing in full color each Department set, Sc. O1-O120 on which you can mount your stamps - $19.50
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Click for more info -The U. S. Reference Manual
Or phone toll free (603) 424-7556 (phone calls are preferred) to place your order or Email [email protected]!
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To benefit from Stamp News Publishing collector-building programs, phone John Dunn at (603) 424-7556
Collecting The History of World War II |

The History of World War II: Pearl Harbor Attacked!
In Mekeel’s & STAMPS we are covering the history of World War II.
As we work our way through Bear Rowell’s chronological history of World War II in Mekeel’s & Stamps, I enjoy searching for images to supplement the text. For me, it is a form of collection building.
With that, it occurred to me that collectors who are interested in history might want to build a History of World War II Collection. If you have such an interest, there are numerous sources for information, but one of the sources to which I turn is igpc.com, the . . .
Click here to see our May 6, 2022 coverage of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Adult and young collectors . . .Pick your passion for stamp collecting!
Since the world's first postage stamp in 1840, hundreds of thousands of stamps have been issued featuring notable people, places of beauty, and memorable events. Come along for the ride and take this adventure through time with stamps from the U.S. and Worldwide.
On this website you'll get ideas on what you might like to collect, how to organize stamps, how to protect stamps, how to locate stamps, and so much more. So click here to learn how to get started today! |
The Civil War and Philately

The Civil War was costly not only in lives but in treasure and required every effort of the civilian population to sustain the armies in the field. This necessity for funds taxed the ingenuity of the Governments, both Federal and Confederate, resulting in a multitude of devices, the mementos of which are so prized today by collectors of postage and revenue stamps, paper money and American generally. One of the fiscal features of the Civil War was an . . .
Continue reading "The Civil War and Philately"
If you enjoyed reading this article also found under Article Archives - U. S. Subjects, this is just a sampling of the great reads you will find in Mekeel's and Stamps Magazine, US Stamp News Magazine and The Best of Stamp New Online! |

The 24/7 Stamp Show!
“The Sun Never Sets on Perpetual-Pex”

No matter what the weather or where you live
—Yes even on the worst day in Antarctica—
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